This week I got into volleyball. My district and I played volleyball every single day for gym time once we are done lifting. We were planning on having a beach volleyball tournament yesterday but it was pouring down rain (like always). So instead we just did normal volleyball. I've perfected the legendary jump serve and I'm dropping dimes on the court. It has honestly been so fun. My dig and bump game is pretty legendary and I set the ball pretty dang well. :) However, I stink at spiking the ball, but hey--oh well. My drop shot's on point. We played soccer one day and i thought I had broke my toe. (I'm pretty sure its broken cuz its even more crooked than before and as blue as can be, but oh well, there's been a chip off that bone for awhile anyways and I've had worse). I also broke a kid's nose in basketball this week. He pump faked and I jumped and he scooted under me. So on the way down I swiped at the ball and instead of the ball I got his nose. It was a pretty solid hit--gave him a huge bruise and a massive gash on his nose--and I cut my arm open on it as well. So hey, if you're gonna foul--foul hard so they cant get the shot off. :(
The language has been getting better. During my last lesson (that we couldn't prepare for) I nailed the language. Wasn't spot on because they haven't taught us any conjugations so I only know present tense. So that sucks. However the person understood what I said so that's good. I found a lot of scriptures in the BOM that are pretty good as well, but the scripture on my plaque is in in Isaiah. I forgot the full thing though. Me and Elder Higgens have been getting closer and closer every day. Once a week we will just stay up talking about stuff and life in the living room until we have to go to bed, so that's been fun. He shared with me why he decided to go on a mission and that was pretty awesome and an amazing story in and of itself.
The temple was nice to go to. Just got back from it and it is a super, super cool temple. It looks like an old Aztec temple. The Visitor Center that they have there is also so incredibly cool as well. I was a solid foot plus some taller than all the workers at the temple so that made it a little tricky. Another tricky thing was the fact that I didn't know any Spanish so that was fun. It was a super spiritual time though. I felt the Spirit a lot and it helped calm me down and get me ready for another week of Spanish!!!
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