Story One:
My comp and I went on splits this week for like half a day with the Assistants to the President. We were both in our area but we went to different appointents. He was with the Assistant of the north and I was with the one of the South. His name was Elder Maya. He too is from Pachuca. Anyways, we only had like an hour or so together before we had to go back to our house, so I decided to take him to an Antiguo investigator's house and try to commit her to go to church. When we showed up, her boyfriend was over. So we thought, 'Ah, well he probably has a problem with ldc. Well we still taught both of them (I mainly taught the whole lesson), and after I invited both of them to church. And they agreed and showed up Sunday 'all by themselves', and commited to come this following Sunday. Well anyways, after the lesson the Assistant told me that he was surprised I had taught so well considering the language and the little time I've had on my missin. He also told me that I was teaching at the level of most gringos at the year mark. And after that he told me how he wouldnt be surprised if I was a trainer next transfer (in two weeks). And if not that, then I'll be at least mayor (Sr comp) or DL.
After that the Assistants stayed the night, and it was actually pretty darn fun. They started off by Planchando my comp for a rule he had broken (he wrote a letter to a few girls in our ward which I ratted him out for) and some other stuff as well. But after that we just talked until it was time for bed. So yeah--it was a pretty good day.
Story two.
I had an interview with the President yesterday in the office. That's why I couldnt write yesterday-- because I had no time because I was in the office ALL day. Anyways, we just talked about how the mission is going and other stuff like that. We were in the interview for like half an hour--so a pretty good chunk of time. At the end of it, he started telling me how I had perfect Spanish, and how he was extremely proud of what I was doing in the field. So that made me feel really good about myself.
After that, my comp had an interview with President as well. I'm not sure what all was said, but that's okay because I wasnt there and it was his interview. But my comp did tell me that the President was planning on putting me at at least mayor this next transfer in my area. So that was a lot of good news for one week--so that's good.
There hasn't been any other exciting news this week besides the fact that I finally got the package that you guys sent the the CCM yesterday!! I love all the stuff that was sent in it--thank you very much for everything.
That's all for this week. Have a great week everyone. Love you all.
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