This week was a pretty good week for the most part. It was my second week here in 1 de Mayo, and it was a tough one I think. All in all I only had 2 days to work in the area for various different reasons. We started off Tuesday with a 'Mormon Battalion', which means all of the companionships go to one area and we contact for like 3-4 hours. These are usually really fun cuz we are just walking around in like 35-45 degree weather (Celcius). But this week it was every single person just slamming the door in our face. The funny thing was that during it all a bunch of people were using their intercoms and telling us "right now no." This happened almost every single time, so we decided to try something different. When they said that, me or my companion would say "entonces cuando"--almost every single time they hung up on us. One or two people gave us a day and a time. hahaha It was so incredibly funny and it made it more tolerable. Then after that I went on divisions with the zone leader and we were in his area cuz I don't know my area too well haha. Then Wednesday we worked hard in our area but didn't find a lot of success, but we did find one person. So that was pretty great. Thursday my companion woke up with a fever of like 103, so I said well, 'Lets just go to the interview that we have with President and then we will come home and see how you feel'. So we went to the interview, and in the interview I talked with President for like half an hour about 'stuff' with the area district companion. He gave me some pretty great advice on all the matters. And then he finished it by saying you need to go home and your comp needs to stay inside all day cuz he looks like crap hahaha. I told him, 'Yeah, I told him that we were just gonna talk to you then return home and sleep'. Then Friday we worked in our area. I was trying to keep my companion healthy, so I had to play a little Doc McMissionary all day. But we found some people so that was good. Saturday we had less than half a day cuz I had an interview in Piedras Negras, which is two hours por autobus to get there and then two hours to get back. So it was a busy day. But hey--she passed the interview, so it was worth the 100 pesos and 4 hours in camiĆ³n. Sunday--well yeah, it was Sunday. We went to church and then visited the people after church.
Story time:
So while i was waiting to be interviewed by President. I was in the room with Hermana Palmer, his wife. I was talking with another elder from Canada (in Spanish cuz its actually really hard to talk in English now), and she goes, 'Yeah guys. So I don't understand any of this'. And we start talking and she is just so carefree. She says, 'Well while I'm trying to learn this language. I'll just talk to you guys in English so I can understand you guys'. So we are talking in English (I thought that I was talking in English). After a couple of minutes she stops me and says, 'Yeah, I didn't catch any of that. You guys gotta help me out. Talk in English'. It was actually really funny. So then the other missionary goes into his interview and his companion comes back and Sister Palmer says, 'Okay. Well I'm gonna teach English to the people that don't know it so I can communicate with everyone'. So she starts getting to know the missionaries, but tells them, 'You can only answer in English. And if you need to, one of the gringos can help you out'.
I was having such a good time cuz she is just like a ni modo--I don't know Spanish so I'll just have some fun and cherish the time that I can actually talk to people and understand people in English.
That's really all I got this week to be honest--its short and sweet. Let's all just remember to be nice to everyone. If you are finding it hard to get along with someone just write down one good thing about that person. And gradually you'll start to like that person.
Church is true. Go be awesome-anne bagley
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