Monday, December 4, 2017

We are here to help you teach your friends

This week was a good week, but it was also a pretty rough one as well. 

What did I learn this week? I learned that we just need to have patience with everything, and not get worked up or anything. The Lord always has people prepared to receive the Restored Gospel, and we just need to look for the people and we will find them.

To the members: The responsibility of the missionaries is to help the ward be autosuficiente in the mission work. We are here to help you teach your friends, neighbors and other people. We are all called of God (every single one of us missionaries)--the missionaries that you think are perfect, and the ones that aren't so much. Since we are called of God, He has provided us with many gifts and help aids in these two years.  And all you guys have to do is trust in us. We know what we are doing, and if we don't ,then God will help us with the stuff we don't know.

Also the ward is responsible for reactivating and helping the new members stay active in the church, not the missionaries. It really isn't to hard too do it. You guys just need to do your visits, and fulfill with the calling that you were blessed with. The Lord will bless every single one of us if we are diligent in these things in both things temporal and physical. 

With that being said, it does help to have missionaries that want to work and help you guys fulfill all things. The missionaries (usually) love the wards they are in, and are willing to do anything to make the members happy in the area. I have been experiencing this a lot lately. 

The area that I am in is a pretty hard area, where the members don't really want to do anything--just attend church Sundays and nothing else. It gets me going sometimes, and pushes a lot of my buttons, but at the end of the day I would still do anything to help the members. And many days we have stopped what we were doing and hurried over to their house to help them out with whatever they need, such as painting, shoveling, helping with English, helping them look for their lost kids or runaways. It doesn't matter if its a Wednesday or a Pday, because we are here to help the ward 24/7--not just when its convenient. 

The Lord loves us all and the missionaries are just His hands in the work. We are all going to receive blessings, and we all need to be ready to receive them, and also worthy to get them. 

That's all I got for this week. 

Love you all and have a great week. 

"Church is true--go be awesome."-Anne Bagley

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