The first thing that happened was that we were literally all over the place this week, and in different areas helping a bunch of members of different wards. Its cuz we are the only Elders within like 30 minutes, and the areas around us only have sister missionaries. So anyways, one of these days we got a phone call and the person asked us if we could hurry over to the hospital and give a blessing to her father who was dying. So we dropped everything we were doing and sprinted a long, long ways away. When we got there she explained that her dad was in a coma and his body was failing and shutting down. So we hurried up to the room and when we walked in the Spirit was just so incredibly strong. Beforehand I said a prayer to help feel the guidance of God when I was giving the blessing, cuz I decided my companion would anoint and I'd give the blessing. When it was time to give the blessing I started giving the blessing and I knew that I wasn't the one talking, and that I was actually just an instrument in the hands of God. When we finished and left, my companion said, "Hey you think he's gonna make it?" And I was honest and said, "He's not gonna make it Elder." He then told me, "I kinda knew that cuz in the whole blessing that you gave you never told him to heal and be whole again." I then explained to him that the purpose for one of these blessings isn't just to tell someone they will be healthy again, we need to follow the Spirit. We ungir a las personas because the unciĆ³n is to give the people rest--that's in the form of healing--and in other cases in returning to your Heavenly Father. And the blessing that I gave I couldn't say that he would be healed, cuz that'd be lying to God." It was just super, super moving, no? Cuz I was walking down the hall and didn't really feel anything, but the second I walked into the room it just hit me like no other. I now know that in times of death God's ever so close to us, and around the family as well.
The next thing was that we all just are looking for God in this life, some people have found it and the place and some are finding it little by little. The people that have found it have the responsibility to share it with others and help others find the truth and bring them to it. The people that don't have it need to trust in the Lord and in the people and give it a try. The biggest regret that I have here in the mission is that I never really shared the Gospel when I was at home. I have found this wonderful gift, and I was too selfish, or too unfaithful to share this with my friends and the people around me. Reasons such as thinking that my friends didn't believe in Him, or just that they wouldn't be interested. But the thing that I learned is that almost all of our friends and family believe in God and are searching for Him, and we aren't the ones to decide who will hear the Gospel and who will not. We are the ones that need to open our mouths and trust in the promises of the Lord.
Also hard work pays off--that's also what I have learned this week. My companion and I have been working like no other here for awhile now, and finally we have seen a successful week. It feels great cuz finally I'm seeing the blessings and the hard work pay off. I could always see the blessings in my life and in the work, but finally they are shown as well. We need to keep pushing forward holding on to all the hope that we can possibly find and then wait out the storm and know that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes we won't be able to see it and some times it seems pointless, but only after the trial of our faith do we receive blessings.
That's all I got for this week.
"Church is true go be awesome"-anne bagley
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