So anyways as I got to talking with my district about why they were struggling as well as the zone, I boiled it down to like one thing that's most important. The people that are struggling the most are the people that just have a terrible attitude. I'm just known as a person that, "well you just don't care about the people that's why you never get down and out." But the people that will stop and listen to my reasoning its because what good does it do to be down and out in the mission? It literally does no good whatsoever. I am a firm believer that if you are sad and down then you will literally never have the success God wants for you in the mission or in this life. He wants us to be lighthearted and joyful. And yeah a bunch of bad things are gonna happen in this life, in the mission, but that doesn't mean its the end of the world. So if its not the end of the world then you have no reason to be sad and out. That's why I'm rarely down, because there is no need.
So anyways I get talking and today when I was talking to a missionary about this (and he's known as a missionary that's always down on everyone and himself), I was trying to explain this to him. Trying to cheer him up in my way. But he didn't want anything with it, and just asked what was happening and why he couldn't have success in the mission. And I said, 'Well let's think together. I started asking questions to try to help him out and the question that got under his skin was "how many times a week are you studying in your companionship?"' He said well only two times a week. And I explained well if you do it every day, then you're gonna see that just by your obedience you're gonna see a lot more success. Then I shared a story about when I saw this change in my mission. And his response was "Yeah, I don't care, but do we have permission this Monday to go to the ruins?" And my response, "Well I don't know--they haven't told me. But I do know that you won't have anybody with this attitude. See ya later."
The point of this story is just this--If you have a bad attitude, if you're always down, then you will never accept the help from other people, because you "know that nobody can help me out". So its just a pride issue when you get down on yourself. And you just gotta have some faith that God's at work and in a little while we will see the results, but in the meantime we need to stay positive and keep on working and working with others to find this work of God.
That's all I got for this week, Have a great week
"Church is true go be awesome."-anne bagley
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