So a little back story--the Mexican government only imports oil from the US, and they only have one gas company. So this week the US raised the cost of gas-so for every litre of gas its an extra 2 pesos (roughly 10 cents) I think. So everyone started freaking out and it is just a mess here.
So the problems started at Plaza Americas on Monday--literally like 2 hours after we had left there. A mass of people stormed the mall and stole literally everything--like literally everything--from every single store. There isn't a single thing (not even a piece of candy) left in the mall. Tuesday and Wednesday it stayed in that area of Veracruz (by the port)--I'm like 45 minutes from there. On Thursday it had finally reached my area (Reservas). So we go out at 2 because that's when we are allowed to go out and we get called back in by 4. In those two hours a lot of stuff happened. First thing that happened was that we saw Aurura get sacked. So what they do is get a large group`of people outside the certain store and they all get rocks and through them through the windows (or tear the metal doors off). Pretty awesome. So we walked past that and then we get the Pharmicia Guadalupe and there was another one--but this one even worse--like bloodied up people and people on the ground covered in blood (but not dead). and then we are walking down the street and my companion is talking to the President because he is now leader of the district. And a taxi pulls over and asks us if we need a ride. We say 'No'. They keep insisting we get in, but we stood our ground and just walked. Well that seems harmless, right? Well, President asks what just happened and we explained, and he said, 'You guys need to get home right now--like as fast as possible'. Turns out that the drug cartel or gang here play a little game. So they pull up in a taxi and ask if you need a ride. If you get in the go (bad things happen). So that was the first close encounter this week. So we jogged home.
Well, the second one was in the back side of Reserva 3. The people here have been cutting down trees so people (mainly government vehicles) can't pass. And in all the main entrances there is around 20 or men with some knives and weapons. We were passing one of these areas on the back side of Reserva 3 to visit the pantojas when we got stopped. The men started to spit on me and yell some stuff that I didn't understand (cuz its Spanish), but my comp says they were death threats. He had a sharp 'object' against me as well. Well, anyways we get past them and the family is not home. So we turn around and go back the same way. We stopped and said a little prayer for safety, and when we passed the people it was as if they could even see us. We walked right in the middle of it all and not a single person glanced in our direction or said a word to us. So 'boom'--answer to my prayers. That day we were home by 1. It then happened again right next to my house (well, every day this week we have been home by at the latest 6).
On top of this all I'm getting blamed for this! :) All of members and non members. We went to the ward missionary leader's house and he said, 'You know who is responsible for all of this, right? I said, 'No'. He then pointed at me and said, 'You guys!' I didn't say anything because I didn't want to start anything. But it has been coming from everywhere and has been happening to all the Gringos here.
There is nothing at any of the stores. So me and my comp go to our lunch appointment and eat as much as humanly possible, and then go a full day to our next appointment and eat again. haha Pretty fun if you ask me. However, we haven't been able to work all that much because of the situation and having to be home really early. And we had to close like half of our area because it isn't safe for me. And when we do get to work it is good, but I get a lot of hate.
We usually teach 5-7 lessons a day. I'm hoping to bump that up to 8-10 a day. We have 11 baptismal dates set.
All in all this week has been good--and really entertaining. I have seen God's hand in keeping me and the other Gringos safe here. None of us have been harmed yet--so that is good. hope all is well with all of you guys and have a great week love you all.
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