Well this week was pretty good.
Both of the baptisms fell through due to the Law of Chastity and the Word of wisdom. One will be able to be baptized this week if all goes well, and the other the following week if she keeps doing what she needs to do. My comp and I have been getting along a little better, so that is fun.
There has been a lot of hate coming towards me for just being American, so that is also really fun. When I talk, a lot of people ignore me or will answer to my comp instead of to me. Then they will talk about how everyone from the US is racist. The worst though is during prayers--they will pray for Elder Angeles, and then just say nothing for me. They won't say please 'bless the elders', but will say (with a lot of emphasis) 'please bless Elder Angeles' with stuff.
But hey--that's alright because I can only be accountable for my own self, not for others. And its kind of fun.
This week was honestly so incredibly boring though. We honestly didn't have anything exciting happen to us at all. The best thing was that we found a few new people to teach, but no where near how much we wanted. It's not that we weren't working, it was just that every house was shutting the door on our faces, or they just listened and said 'No', or they said, 'Come back tomorrow and teach me another lesson', but then they are never home when we do return. But that's alright--when we push through these hard times we will be blessed. So that'll be amazing.
I've started to read and study talks and write little reports on them. It takes me awhile because I like to really dig deep and think hard on the talks. The ones that I have lined up to study are, Your Happily Ever After, The Witness, Broken Things to Mend, Finding Joy in the Journey, Hope You Know We Had A Hard Time, and a few others that I cant think of at this moment. But I encourage you all to go and watch these talks because they are all so incredibly beautiful and teach us a lot of important things about life, the Atonement, and Comfort.
One thing I have learned is to not take life for granted. God always has His hand extended and we realize that when we reach out for it, we never walk alone. (...and a lot of other stuff)
That is really all for this week. Sorry that it is so short.
I hope you know that I always love you guys and will always do anything for you guys. You are all awesome and God loves you all.
Church is true--Book is blue--go be awesome. (Trademark Sister Anne Bagley)
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