. However, nothing to grand or spectacular happened so I'm sorry for that.
Story One:
We had great success this week when it came to finding people who are ready to be taught and hear
the gospel. My companion and I currently have an operation going on trying to convert all of our
neighbors. Its a slow process but its coming along. We have like a total of 20-30 of our neighbors in our
teaching pool. However we found one family who lives just like four houses down who are really, really
ready to progress. We were just walking on the street when we decided to stop and talk to one of our
neighbors who we have never talked to--just the usual buenas when we pass by. So we talked to her and
she was very "standoffish", but agreed to have us visit her the next day when her husband was home.
So like good missionaries, we put down an appointment and returned the next day. We taught L1 and
invited them to read the Book of mormon (we gave them all a different chapter to read). The lesson went
really really well and they asked us to come back the next day and teach them some more. So we go back
the following day like great missionaries never missing an appointment, and we talk about the things they
have read. We then talked about how important it was that they read the scriptures, not just the LDM but
also the bible. And also that it is extremely important to pray to your Father in Heaven every single day.
They then started to talk to us about how they were in search mode to find the true church of God. They
had been members of many many different churches in their lifetime but for one reason or another they
had left the churches. They weren't just like once a month goers to church type of people either. their
daughter played the drums in one of the church bands and the mom was the director of the choir, so you
know--pretty active. The mom then started to talk to us about how she was praying the morning we had
first passed by to know what church was the true church, or if there even was one. She then told us after
she said 'Amen' no less than five minutes after we stopped at her house and started to talk to her. She
didn't know how to react or really anything and that's why she was so standoffish at first. The family then
started to share with us that they do have many many questions but they do feel that this church is the
church that God has restored, not rebuilt, restored on the earth today. We then invited them to church
and they happily agreed to join us, even though church is at 8 in the morning. The best part about it is its
the whole entire family--the mom and dad (Gustavo, Lucero) and four daughters (Lucero15, Adriana 14,
forgot this ones name but she has 7 years, Genesis 2). They also loved going to the church building and
participating in it all.
Story 2:
We have been teaching more or less another complete family as well. Its an grandma and grandpa and
their grandchildren that live with them. They have a very, very deep desire to be baptized but the thing is
they are both technically married to two different people, but have been living together for the past like
23 years. So as we all know--that's against the Law of Chastity, so they would have to change. Usually it
would take over a year or so to get a divorce and then get remarried but the Lord has His hands in this work.
It would take over a year because there is a law in Mexico that states that you can not get married to
another person in the same year as your divorce, even if you guys have been split up for a lot of years.
However the missionaries here in Veracruz are pretty much the number one resource for marriages in
Jamapa and other things so the judge helps us out on a lot of things. So we called this guy up and asked
if there was any way to get around this law, and he told us that he would look for a way. So he calls us
back and says that there is a wrinkle in the law and that if the person doesn't have any young children
menor de edad then they could get married within the year. But there was another problem a lot of
these divorces take forever to go through so we started to work on this problem and do some digging.
And also talking to a lawyer about it. So we figured out that the lady's first husband was married to
another lady in Oaxaca before he married Sabina in Jamapa, but he never got a divorce. And then once
he left Sabina he got married to another lady in Xalapa without getting a divorce. So we then asked what
that meant and the guy told us that it really should only take a day and all she would have to do is sign a
paper and boom no longer has a legal husband--and the best part is she wouldn't have to pay anything
at all. For the husband, the judge said that he would put it on the top of the list and it would only have
like a week or less wait.
So all in all the moral of the story is God has a time for everything. God knows when we are prepared
to hear His message and when you are not ready to hear the message. He knows the desires of your
heart even when you don't know them at all. So really, all you have to do is trust in him, put your faith
and will in His hands, And what will happen next? Quien Sabe--but we do know that it will be the best way
for us we just gotta trust in Him.
"He means He knows the way out and He knows the way up. He knows it because He has walked it.
He knows the way because He is the way"
That is really all that I have for this week. Church is true. Book is blue (Troy Parker)
Church is true--go be awesome (anne bagley)
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