This week was another great week of éxito. It started off Monday night with Elder Flores and I receiving
a phone call from the Assistants telling us we had transfers once again. This time it was Flores that was
leaving the area--not me. So we didn't sleep at all that night due to him packing all night, but its all good
I got another companion. So I have had a total of three companions within a month--hahaha--but its all
good. I am finally companion mayor--whoop whoop! So this week we worked really hard and everything
was just clicking for us. We had success on every single one of or indicadores claves, so that is a great way
to start off my career as mayor haha. When Sunday finally came around we had eleven investigators in the
church and six with a baptismal date--the best numbers in the zone. Oh and don't forget we have our
multi zone reunion tomorrow so we are really happy with our results. The thing is everyone is progressing
so its awesome--awesome--awesome!
Story One:
I really don't have any good stories this week, so I apologize. But with the family Agilardo Diaz, man they are
the definition of golden investigators. My lider de districto told me that I needed to ask the all of the baptismal
interview questions this week, and its not like I can say 'no', so I interviewed all of them. and when
pregunta 4 came around (if you don't understand pregunta 4, ask someone who does), and I thought oh
man we are gonna have some problems here. So I had everyone shut there eyes cuz you know its a pretty
personal question, and I had my comp close his eyes as well. I started to ask all of the questions pertaining
to pregunta 4 and when I finished with it all they had a total of 0 problems with it. It is a modern day miracle.
And with the other questions sobre their faith in the BOM, Jose Smith, y profetas, they all had faith that they
were true--it was amazing.
Another story with this family is we had to teach the word of wisdom to them. It was like the third lesson
(or second, I don't remember), but at the end we invited them to follow the word of wisdom. And they gladly
accepted to follow it--that night they would start. So we then asked if they had anything that would be a

temptation for them in the house to break this commandment and they told us 'yes'. We then asked them to
give all of those things to us in that moment and never use or buy these substances again, and they actually
gave us all of it!!!! It was amazing and we also did the same thing with like three other investigators
and they also gave us all of the stuff. The problem is its not the best thing to have in our garbage--all
of these things--so we have all of the things on our sinners table--haha. Gonna ask/go buy some garbage
bags that are black hahaha.
So anyways this family is just progressing out of this world. We were having problems with one of the
daughters not reading the Book of Mormon, and were trying everything to try to help her, but nothing
was working. So I had to pull out on of my tricks. I told her that the next visit we are gonna have a
family home evening and you and Lucero have the lesson on this chapter, and your mom has the activity
and we are going to bring cake so we are all going to complete all our tasks. And if not, well we cant have
any of the other stuff. So we return with the cake and she had read not just the chapter but four other
chapters in the Book of Mormon. And she told us that she had felt that it was true and now understood
why we were always urging her to read. But man this family is so ready for baptism. haha They have their
baptismal date for the 28 de mayo--its a Sunday before church at 630 in the morning hahaha. But hey,
they are all for it.
That is really the only story I have for the week. Oh, and also planning the wedding of two of our
investigators hahaha, Its pretty fun. And all I gotta say is that it is extremely important to follow what
the Spirit tells you to do. If you don't then sorry its actually a pretty big sin--says it in the Bible. Look it up.
But anyways, always follow the Spirit no matter what its telling you to do, He is perfect and knows where
you need to go.
Church is true--go be awesome (anne bagley)
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