Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Dec 11--This week was a pretty decent week

This week was a pretty decent week. Its been freezing cold and I'm figuratively dying of the cold. Its weird to think that its only like 70 and I'm having a bunch of cold and am wearing my winter sweater, and some running tights, and I'm still cold. But hey, what's a guy gonna do?  I had the wrong idea of mexico.

This week my companion and I worked our tails off like no other. And we had a bunch of success during the week, and then Sunday came around and ya--nada--we had nobody in church--they all left us plantados when we passed by to pick them up for church. So that was really fun. Yeah--I feel bad when that happens, but then I feel fine because I know that we did all that we could possibly do, and they didn't use their free agency.  We  can't do anything about that. 

A little sad story that happened this week--but a story that really has helped me and kinda affirmed some stuff. So anyways we went to go talk to a MA member that was baptized a few months back and she told us that she didn't want us to ever pass by and talk to her again. I asked her why and then let her rant and just let out all of her feelings. And the thing is I felt a love that I haven't felt that often and just saw her in the eyes of Heavenly Father and felt the Spirit really strong and started talking to her. I told her "No hermana, we aren't going to stop visiting you because we aren't wasting our time when we talk to you. If you don't wanna go to church that's your decision, but you still continue to be our sister because you're a daughter of God. And we are gonna pass by, and if you are busy or you can't talk well that's gonna suck, but I'm gonna write a short letter to you ever day and keep it in my pocket just in case we pass by your house.  When we pass by I'm gonna leave this note on your door.  It won't be long--maybe just a few lines, a scripture and my thoughts, what do you think about that?"  She told me that that sounds perfect. Then I told her "We aren't gonna leave you, just like God never will leave you hermana. And I hope you can feel the love God has for you, and I hope one day we will be able to help you more."  After that we went on our way.  I was just super sad--not sad for me--just super sad for her, that she's just throwing the covenant away that she made with the lord, and that He has been trying to help but can't get through to her. 

This experience actually helped me out a ton, cuz I've been feeling pretty down and out due to this pretty tough area but this helped me fell as if God is accepting my offering that I'm giving Him. And there's other forms to have success in the mission apart from baptizing people. I think success is found when you can actually feel the love for the people. and also when you are just talking and helping the people around you and just sharing the love of Christ with them. If a missionary baptizes 100 in his mission but none of these people felt an ounce of love, well I would consider that an unsuccessful missionary. But a missionary that baptized less than that but did it with all his love and actually helped the people feel the love of Christ--well that one heck of a missionary.

That's all I got for this week. 

Love you all have a great week, 

"Church is true go be awesome"-anne bagley

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